leg·a·cy: /ˈleɡəsē/ “something received from an ancestor or predecessor”

We are all the recipients of a legacy and we all are creating one. Each Christ-follower has the responsibility to carry the message and the way of Jesus to their generation. We, as a part of the Church in 2021 have a connection through the historical church to the church in the book of Acts.

At The City Church, we have a legacy that has been handed to us by faithful leaders who desired to draw people closer to Jesus. Let’s be thankful for those who have gone before us and remember their stories of perseverance will simultaneously realizing that we, now, have the same opportunity to create a Godly legacy. Let’s honour the generosity of the previous generation who sacrificed and gave so we could know Christ. Let’s purpose to make an impact now and into the future.


In conjunction with our ‘Legacy’ series, this June we will be receiving a Legacy Offering. The Legacy Offering is intended be over and above our regular tithes and offerings.

With this offering we are prioritizing and impacting our communities and our world through generosity. We will be focusing on the 4 broad categories below.