Why Do We Give?
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7 ESV
As followers of Jesus, we are called to be generous! And a wonderful way to do this is through your tithes and offerings.
We believe giving is a practical way to partner with God in growing His kingdom here on earth.
Through your generosity, you are helping to extend His love to the vast array of people that come in every Sunday!
Ways To Give
We are proud to offer a secure online giving link!
If you give the same amount on a regular basis and would like to have your donations withdrawn directly from your bank account, please complete the pre-authorized giving form.
Return the completed form and a void cheque in a sealed envelope to the 'INFO' desk at one of our weekly gatherings or mail it to The City Church ATTN: Accounting Department.
Please make your cheques payable to The City Church and mail to The City Church, Attention: "Accounting Dept." - 2700 Argentia Road, Mississauga, ON L5N 5V4.
During any one of our church services, insert cash or cheques in an offering envelope.
Please include your name and address on the envelope so that we can issue a donation tax receipt to you at the end of the year.
To give by debit or credit, you can also visit our Giving Kiosk located in the Main Lobby.
Your donations are primarily used to help us communicate the Gospel of Jesus to children, students and adults through the work of The City Church. We are not sponsored by any group or denomination; therefore, the vast majority of our income comes from donors. Also, The City Church financially supports local and international charities that we believe align with our mission. Examples of such charities are: Eden Food for Change, Samaritan’s Purse, Christians Against Poverty, ARC Canada.
Yes. Annual Canadian tax receipts are mailed to your home at the beginning of February for all donations of $10 or more. You can receive up to 40% of your offerings back from the government through your tax return depending on how much you give and your income level.
Many times giving in the Bible (Old and New Testament) is referenced in terms of percentages. A “tithe” (10%) of our income is generally a good place to start. For some, 10% sounds like a lot of money, and they choose to start at a lower percentage and increase that amount over time. Many others choose to give with radical generosity and give well above 10%. Everyone who attends a local church should see themselves as contributor to that local body; finances is one of the ways we can be generous. Giving, resources the church and blesses the giver.
All of the expenditures of The City Church are reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors. The City Church of Mississauga also undergoes an independent yearly financial audit performed by a Chartered Accountant.